Graduate school application guide
for applicants to Ph.D. programs in non-clinical psychology in the United States
When I was applying to graduate school in psychology, I was lucky enough to have many conversations with people who had been through the application process before. From their interests and backgrounds to their personalities and aspirations, many of the people I talked to were very different from me. I could not always relate to the stories they told me or directly apply the advice they gave me. But it was the ability to reflect on our differences – and the ways in which our journeys diverged because of those differences – that served as the single most valuable experience that shaped my application journey. Now a graduate student myself, I decided to write this application guide in a way that resembles a series of informal conversations you and I could have while walking down the street or sitting inside a cozy coffee shop. Remember that this application guide reflects only one perspective on applying to graduate school in psychology. I won’t have the answers to all of your questions, and some of the advice I give you may not work very well for you. Nevertheless, I hope that you can take something valuable away from our “conversation”. I wish you all the best as you embark on your application journey!
Updated September 19, 2021